Making a Change

Most of my January has been a process that culminated in today’s announcement that I will be moving on from Zekiah and joining the team at Spatial Networks, where I will be taking on the role of Vice President of Engineering and Technology.

I’ve been at Zekiah for fifteen years and have had the pleasure to do groundbreaking and meaningful work for a variety of federal customers. During that time, I’ve worked with a lot of incredibly talented people and the current team is no exception. The company and its customers are in great hands and the geospatial team, led by Eric Mahaffey, is poised to do great things. A little inside baseball: There’s never been an instance where the partners at Zekiah didn’t completely agree on a course of action. It’s been a great experience to have such trust in your colleagues, and they have been completely supportive of my decision. I’ve learned a hell of a lot about business while getting to do a lot of great work. I leave with no complaints.

I am looking forward to joining another incredible team at Spatial Networks. After 23 years as a federal/defense contractor, I am excited about the change of focus to a commercial setting. I’ll be working remotely, with periodic trips to St. Petersburg, Florida. The team at Spatial Networks is highly motivated with a strong sense of purpose and I expect we’re going to have a lot of fun while building great tools.

2 thoughts on “Making a Change

  1. Congratulations and best wishes in the new opportunity, Bill!

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