Decoupling Maps

A couple of weeks ago, I took part in a live discussion of the Geospatial Innovations group on LinkedIn, along with Linda, Bonny, Tim, and Will. The topic was “Reimagining Maps” and was spurred by a couple of recent posts by Linda and Will - "Modern Mapping" and "Modern Geospatial", respectively. The discussion ostensibly examined … Continue reading Decoupling Maps

Initial Thoughts on FOSS4G North America

FOSS4G North America (FOSS4GNA) wrapped up yesterday, closing out with another thought-provoking keynote by Paul Ramsey. Paul’s talks on the “economics of open source” have evolved over the years and, while this talk certainly discussed such economics, it was so much more. Paul is one of the best speakers you will see and his talks … Continue reading Initial Thoughts on FOSS4G North America