Analyzing Location Change Over Time in BigQuery

I've recently spent a lot of time doing various forms of business analytics in BigQuery. As discussed in a previous post, I've been using BigQuery as the data integration environment for several business systems. I've found integration at the data level via an ETL/ELT/IPaaS pipeline to be a lot more stable than system-level integrations that … Continue reading Analyzing Location Change Over Time in BigQuery


These are some of the things I've been up to lately, while the blog has been quiet: At work, I've continued delving into BigQuery. Our FME jobs are running like clockwork and I've been spending a lot of time writing queries and doing analysis for various stakeholders across the company. The next phase of the … Continue reading Lately…

Rural Broadband – An Anecdotal Look

I spent the better part of a decade and a half building geospatial applications in support of infrastructure analysis. Not infrastructure in the modern tech sense of containers and cloud providers and orchestration, but infrastructure in the classic sense of roads and rail and telecommunications. If we consider infrastructure through the lens of the ISO/OSI … Continue reading Rural Broadband – An Anecdotal Look

Personal Geography

Human geography or anthropogeography is the branch of geography that deals with the study of people and their communities, cultures, economies, and interactions with the environment by studying their relations with and across space and place. Wikipedia ( I was catching up with my friend and former boss, Tony Quartararo, a couple of days ago when our discussion got around … Continue reading Personal Geography

Tips For Your Best Zoom Experience

Or Skype, or Google Meet, or GoToMeeting, or whatever. As I bounce around social media, I keep running across a lot of spurious advice on how to project a "professional" impression as you, like everyone else, participates in video calls from home. This seems to be particularly true on LinkedIn. Most of that advice is … Continue reading Tips For Your Best Zoom Experience