SharpMap on Apache

In the words of Pete Townshend (as sung by Roger Daltrey):

“Why should I care? Why should I care?”

I can’t answer that one for you. I ran into this post while searching out something else. It shows how to get ASP.NET running under Apache on Windows. Curiosity got the better of me and I had to try it. One important note is that mod_aspdotnet is no longer maintained by the Apache Software Foundation. It’s now available as a separate project on SourceForge. If you download the latest version, it works with Apache 2.2.6.

Although both Apache and mod_aspdotnet have had subsequent releases since this has been posted, the instructions still work. It was about 10 minutes to get the sample project running and not much longer to get SharpMap’s “DemoWebSite” project working. Here’s a screen capture (there nothing that makes it obvious it’s running on Apache so You’ll just have to trust me).

Can you see the real me? Can ya?

This could be somewhat useful if you’re using a non-Server version of Windows and want to avoid the connection limitations of IIS. Beyond that, it’s probably just interesting.

2 thoughts on “SharpMap on Apache

  1. Brian:
    Yup. Diggin’ my new iPod. Glad I could send a little mod your way.

    Your XP situation is probably the most compelling use for this. I just thought it was cool.

    Thanks for stopping by!


  2. Bill:

    “Quadrophenia” references on a Monday? Sweet.

    Actually, we recently ran into connection limitations when doing some testing on IIS/XP Pro, so this is definitely timely.

    Keep the good info coming….


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