Routing with BigQuery and ArcGIS Platform APIs

This post is a continuation of last month's post about analyzing location change with BigQuery. At the end of that post, I was already thinking of ways to extend the analysis and visualization. I decided to take the opportunity to explore Esri's recently-announced ArcGIS Platform APIs. These APIs are the same that have been available … Continue reading Routing with BigQuery and ArcGIS Platform APIs

Analyzing Location Change Over Time in BigQuery

I've recently spent a lot of time doing various forms of business analytics in BigQuery. As discussed in a previous post, I've been using BigQuery as the data integration environment for several business systems. I've found integration at the data level via an ETL/ELT/IPaaS pipeline to be a lot more stable than system-level integrations that … Continue reading Analyzing Location Change Over Time in BigQuery


These are some of the things I've been up to lately, while the blog has been quiet: At work, I've continued delving into BigQuery. Our FME jobs are running like clockwork and I've been spending a lot of time writing queries and doing analysis for various stakeholders across the company. The next phase of the … Continue reading Lately…

Watching COVID-19 Data for Your County with PostgreSQL and Node

I have addressed the topic of triggered notifications a couple of times on this blog previously. I've taken the opportunity to apply the technique to a current use case - the ability to get notifications whenever the confirmed count of COVID-19 cases changes in my county or surrounding ones. I am basing this workflow on … Continue reading Watching COVID-19 Data for Your County with PostgreSQL and Node