More often that not in my current role, opportunities to get my hands dirty come from the data side of our operation rather than the engineering side. These days, the data side involves corporate data rather than a lot of geospatial data. If I were to be guided by my own personal inertia, I'd drift … Continue reading FME, Salesforce, and BigQuery
Category: gis
Recent Diversions
Work in the new all-remote world has actually been quite busy, and I realize I am very fortunate to be able to say that. But we know what they say about all work and no play. For me, play often involves cracking open an IDE, especially since work for me isn't centered on that anymore. … Continue reading Recent Diversions
Rural Broadband – An Anecdotal Look
I spent the better part of a decade and a half building geospatial applications in support of infrastructure analysis. Not infrastructure in the modern tech sense of containers and cloud providers and orchestration, but infrastructure in the classic sense of roads and rail and telecommunications. If we consider infrastructure through the lens of the ISO/OSI … Continue reading Rural Broadband – An Anecdotal Look
Personal Geography
Human geography or anthropogeography is the branch of geography that deals with the study of people and their communities, cultures, economies, and interactions with the environment by studying their relations with and across space and place. Wikipedia ( I was catching up with my friend and former boss, Tony Quartararo, a couple of days ago when our discussion got around … Continue reading Personal Geography
Attribute Transfer in PostGIS Using Spatial SQL
Data conflation is a meat-and-potatoes task in most GIS workflows. There are numerous reasons one might need to get data from one data set into another. Perhaps you want to attach a new geometry type to existing attributes or a table. Or maybe you need to pull attributes from one or more data sets into … Continue reading Attribute Transfer in PostGIS Using Spatial SQL
Open – Beyond Technology
I am currently reading the book "Fierce Conversations" by Susan Scott. I am on hiatus from teaching my leadership course this year, so I am taking the opportunity to refresh my content and my perspectives. The basis of the book is fairly simple: Our work, our relationships, and our lives succeed or fail one conversation … Continue reading Open – Beyond Technology