Turning It Up to ’11

With 2011 upon us, here are a few things I hope to achieve this year (in no particular order):

  • Enjoy life with my family
  • Sharpen my Python skills
  • Get better with Javascript
  • Build at least one useful application with a NoSQL back-end
  • Build at least one application that runs on a cloud infrastructure (maybe in conjunction with the previous three items)
  • Get better with many of the cloud-based geospatial tools and deepen my proficiency with Arc2Earth, WeoGeo and GeoIQ offerings in this area
  • Educate my customers (especially the Federal ones) and colleagues on all of these
  • Grow my company
  • Engage more with my professional community (locally and beyond)
  • Stay on top of the latest research on management of type 1 diabetes and the search for a cure
  • Maintain enough control over my schedule to be able to accomplish all of these things

Happy New Year, everyone!

3 thoughts on “Turning It Up to ’11

    1. Thanks, Sean.

      I may take you up on that since Shapely is one of my primary motivations. I’m not sure if I want to jump into a framework until I feel more comfortable with the core language. I usually like to be able to discern what a framework is doing for me.

      Can you recommend any good resources for best practices and such?

  1. Thats great Bill, you have your goals written down, and from your ambition level, you have a plan of action. As a business owner as well I definitely can relate to you, much success to you in 2011.

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