MapWindow Looking for Testers and Programmers

MapWindow is has posted a message over on LinkedIn looking for testers and programmers. The text of the message, posted by Paul Meems, is:

Any GIS experts available with some free time?
Here at MapWindow GIS ( we’re looking for people who are willing the use MapWindow (it’s Open Source, so it’s free to use) and share their experiences. We also have our own LinkedIn group:

A follow-up answer to one of my LinkedIn contacts clarified that they are looking for testers and programmers. So, if you’re interested in helping out an open-source project, here’s your chance. Also, you may want to give LinkedIn a spin.

2 thoughts on “MapWindow Looking for Testers and Programmers

  1. Hi Bill,

    Could you post a link to the actual question? I’ve just searched for it for a while and can’t find it.



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