SQL Server 2008 SharpMap Data Provider Code

As promised, I have uploaded the data provider code I mentioned earlier to the SharpMap site. It’s written in C#. I took the existing Oracle provider, stripped out the Oracle SQL and put in T-SQL. There are a couple of things I’m still trying to chase down but it’s basically done at this point. I know they’re busy trying to finish up SharpMap 2.0 so I don’t know how long it’ll take to become available. Just in case, here’s the code:

[sourcecode language=’csharp’]
// Copyright 2008 – William Dollins
// SQL Server 2008 by William Dollins (dollins.bill@gmail.com)
// Based on Oracle provider by Humberto Ferreira (humbertojdf@hotmail.com)
// Date 2007-11-28
// This file is part of SharpMap.
// SharpMap is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// SharpMap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with SharpMap; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Text;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

namespace SharpMap.Data.Providers

/// SQL Server 2008 data provider

/// This provider was developed against the SQL Server 2008 November CTP. The platform may change significantly before release. ///
/// Adding a datasource to a layer:
/// SharpMap.Layers.VectorLayer myLayer = new SharpMap.Layers.VectorLayer("My layer");
/// string ConnStr = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=myDB;Data Source=myServermyInstance";
/// myLayer.DataSource = new SharpMap.Data.Providers.Katmai(ConnStr, "myTable", "GeomColumn", "OidColumn");


/// SharpMap SQL Server 2008 provider by Bill Dollins (dollins.bill@gmail.com). Based on the Oracle provider written by Humberto Ferreira. ///

public class Katmai : SharpMap.Data.Providers.IProvider, IDisposable

/// Initializes a new connection to SQL Server

/// Connectionstring /// Name of data table /// Name of geometry column /// /// Name of column with unique identifier public Katmai(string ConnectionStr, string tablename, string geometryColumnName, string OID_ColumnName)
//Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=ztTest;Data Source=
this.ConnectionString = ConnectionStr;
this.Table = tablename;
this.GeometryColumn = geometryColumnName;
this.ObjectIdColumn = OID_ColumnName;


/// Initializes a new connection to SQL Server

/// Connectionstring /// Name of data table /// Name of column with unique identifier public Katmai(string ConnectionStr, string tablename, string OID_ColumnName) : this(ConnectionStr,tablename,””,OID_ColumnName)
this.GeometryColumn = “shape”;

private bool _IsOpen;


/// Returns true if the datasource is currently open

public bool IsOpen
get { return _IsOpen; }


/// Opens the datasource

public void Open()
//Don’t really do anything.
_IsOpen = true;

/// Closes the datasource

public void Close()
//Don’t really do anything.
_IsOpen = false;

#region Disposers and finalizers
private bool disposed = false;


/// Disposes the object

public void Dispose()

internal void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!disposed)
if (disposing)
disposed = true;


/// Finalizer


private string _ConnectionString;


/// Connectionstring

public string ConnectionString
get { return _ConnectionString; }
set { _ConnectionString = value; }

private string _Table;


/// Data table name

public string Table
get { return _Table; }
set { _Table = value; }

private string _GeometryColumn;


/// Name of geometry column

public string GeometryColumn
get { return _GeometryColumn; }
set { _GeometryColumn = value; }

private string _ObjectIdColumn;


/// Name of column that contains the Object ID

public string ObjectIdColumn
get { return _ObjectIdColumn; }
set { _ObjectIdColumn = value; }


/// Returns geometries within the specified bounding box

/// ///
public Collection GetGeometriesInView(SharpMap.Geometries.BoundingBox bbox)
Collection features = new Collection();
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(_ConnectionString))
//Get bounding box string
string strBbox = GetBoxFilterStr(bbox);

string strSQL = “SELECT g.” + this.GeometryColumn +”.STAsBinary() “;
strSQL += ” FROM ” + this.Table + ” g WHERE “;

if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_defintionQuery))
strSQL += this.DefinitionQuery + ” AND “;

strSQL += strBbox;

using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(strSQL, conn))
using (SqlDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader())
while (dr.Read())
if (dr[0] != DBNull.Value)
SharpMap.Geometries.Geometry geom = SharpMap.Converters.WellKnownBinary.GeometryFromWKB.Parse((byte[])dr[0]);
return features;


/// Returns the geometry corresponding to the Object ID

/// Object ID /// geometry
public SharpMap.Geometries.Geometry GetGeometryByID(uint oid)
SharpMap.Geometries.Geometry geom = null;
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(_ConnectionString))
string strSQL = “SELECT g.” + this.GeometryColumn + “.STAsBinary() FROM ” + this.Table + ” g WHERE ” + this.ObjectIdColumn + “='” + oid.ToString() + “‘”;
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(strSQL, conn))
using (SqlDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader())
while (dr.Read())
if (dr[0] != DBNull.Value)
geom = SharpMap.Converters.WellKnownBinary.GeometryFromWKB.Parse((byte[])dr[0]);
return geom;

/// Returns geometry Object IDs whose bounding box intersects ‘bbox’

/// ///
public Collection GetObjectIDsInView(SharpMap.Geometries.BoundingBox bbox)
Collection objectlist = new Collection();
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(_ConnectionString))

//Get bounding box string
string strBbox = GetBoxFilterStr(bbox);

string strSQL = “SELECT g.” + this.ObjectIdColumn + ” “;
strSQL += “FROM ” + this.Table + ” g WHERE “;

if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_defintionQuery))
strSQL += this.DefinitionQuery + ” AND “;

strSQL += strBbox;

using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(strSQL, conn))
using (SqlDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader())
while (dr.Read())
if (dr[0] != DBNull.Value)
uint ID = (uint)(decimal)dr[0];
return objectlist;


/// Returns the box filter string needed in SQL query

/// ///
private string GetBoxFilterStr(SharpMap.Geometries.BoundingBox bbox) {
//geography::STGeomFromText(‘LINESTRING(47.656 -122.360, 47.656 -122.343)’, 4326);
SharpMap.Geometries.LinearRing lr = new SharpMap.Geometries.LinearRing();
lr.Vertices.Add(new SharpMap.Geometries.Point(bbox.Left, bbox.Bottom));
lr.Vertices.Add(new SharpMap.Geometries.Point(bbox.Right, bbox.Bottom));
lr.Vertices.Add(new SharpMap.Geometries.Point(bbox.Right, bbox.Top));
lr.Vertices.Add(new SharpMap.Geometries.Point(bbox.Left, bbox.Top));
lr.Vertices.Add(new SharpMap.Geometries.Point(bbox.Left, bbox.Bottom));
SharpMap.Geometries.Polygon p = new SharpMap.Geometries.Polygon(lr);
string bboxText = SharpMap.Converters.WellKnownText.GeometryToWKT.Write((SharpMap.Geometries.IGeometry)p); // “”;
string whereClause = this.GeometryColumn + “.STIntersects(geometry::STGeomFromText(‘” + bboxText + “‘, ” + this.SRID.ToString() + “)) = 1”;
return whereClause; // strBbox;


/// Returns the features that intersects with ‘geom’

/// /// FeatureDataSet to fill data into public void ExecuteIntersectionQuery(SharpMap.Geometries.Geometry geom, FeatureDataSet ds)
List features = new List();
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(_ConnectionString))
//TODO: Convert to SQL Server
string strGeom = “geography::STGeomFromText(‘” + geom.AsText() + “‘, #SRID#)”;

if (this.SRID > 0) {
strGeom = strGeom.Replace(“#SRID#”, this.SRID.ToString());
} else {
strGeom = strGeom.Replace(“#SRID#”, “0”);
strGeom = this.GeometryColumn + “.STIntersects(” + strGeom + “) = 1”;

string strSQL = “SELECT g.* , g.” + this.GeometryColumn + “).STAsBinary() As sharpmap_tempgeometry FROM ” + this.Table + ” g WHERE “;

if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_defintionQuery))
strSQL += this.DefinitionQuery + ” AND “;

strSQL += strGeom;

using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(strSQL, conn))
if (ds.Tables.Count > 0)
FeatureDataTable fdt = new FeatureDataTable(ds.Tables[0]);
foreach (System.Data.DataColumn col in ds.Tables[0].Columns)
if (col.ColumnName != this.GeometryColumn && col.ColumnName != “sharpmap_tempgeometry”)
fdt.Columns.Add(col.ColumnName, col.DataType, col.Expression);
foreach (System.Data.DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
SharpMap.Data.FeatureDataRow fdr = fdt.NewRow();
foreach (System.Data.DataColumn col in ds.Tables[0].Columns)
if (col.ColumnName != this.GeometryColumn && col.ColumnName != “sharpmap_tempgeometry”)
fdr[col.ColumnName] = dr[col];
fdr.Geometry = SharpMap.Converters.WellKnownBinary.GeometryFromWKB.Parse((byte[])dr[“sharpmap_tempgeometry”]);


/// Convert WellKnownText to linestrings

/// ///
private SharpMap.Geometries.LineString WktToLineString(string WKT)
SharpMap.Geometries.LineString line = new SharpMap.Geometries.LineString();
WKT = WKT.Substring(WKT.LastIndexOf(‘(‘) + 1).Split(‘)’)[0];
string[] strPoints = WKT.Split(‘,’);
foreach (string strPoint in strPoints)
string[] coord = strPoint.Split(‘ ‘);
line.Vertices.Add(new SharpMap.Geometries.Point(double.Parse(coord[0], SharpMap.Map.numberFormat_EnUS), double.Parse(coord[1], SharpMap.Map.numberFormat_EnUS)));
return line;


/// Returns the number of features in the dataset

/// number of features
public int GetFeatureCount()
int count = 0;
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(_ConnectionString))
string strSQL = “SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ” + this.Table;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_defintionQuery))
strSQL += ” WHERE ” + this.DefinitionQuery;
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(strSQL, conn))
count = (int)command.ExecuteScalar();
return count;

#region IProvider Members

private string _defintionQuery;


/// Definition query used for limiting dataset

public string DefinitionQuery
get { return _defintionQuery; }
set { _defintionQuery = value; }


/// Gets a collection of columns in the dataset

public System.Data.DataColumnCollection Columns
get {
throw new NotImplementedException();

private int _srid = 0;


/// Spacial Reference ID

public int SRID
get {
return _srid;
set {
_srid = value;


/// Returns a datarow based on a RowID

/// /// datarow
public SharpMap.Data.FeatureDataRow GetFeature(uint RowID)
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(_ConnectionString))
string strSQL = “select g.* , g.” + this.GeometryColumn + “.STAsBinary() As sharpmap_tempgeometry from ” + this.Table + ” g WHERE ” + this.ObjectIdColumn + “=” + RowID.ToString() + “”;
using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(strSQL, conn))
FeatureDataSet ds = new FeatureDataSet();
if (ds.Tables.Count > 0)
FeatureDataTable fdt = new FeatureDataTable(ds.Tables[0]);
foreach (System.Data.DataColumn col in ds.Tables[0].Columns)
if (col.ColumnName != this.GeometryColumn && col.ColumnName != “sharpmap_tempgeometry”)
fdt.Columns.Add(col.ColumnName, col.DataType, col.Expression);
System.Data.DataRow dr = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];
SharpMap.Data.FeatureDataRow fdr = fdt.NewRow();
foreach (System.Data.DataColumn col in ds.Tables[0].Columns)
if (col.ColumnName != this.GeometryColumn && col.ColumnName != “sharpmap_tempgeometry”)
fdr[col.ColumnName] = dr[col];
fdr.Geometry = SharpMap.Converters.WellKnownBinary.GeometryFromWKB.Parse((byte[])dr[“sharpmap_tempgeometry”]);
return fdr;
return null;

return null;


/// Boundingbox of dataset

/// boundingbox
public SharpMap.Geometries.BoundingBox GetExtents()
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(_ConnectionString))
string strSQL = “SELECT g.” + this.GeometryColumn + “.STEnvelope().STAsText() FROM ” + this.Table + ” g “;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_defintionQuery))
strSQL += ” WHERE ” + this.DefinitionQuery;
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(strSQL, conn))
//SharpMap.Geometries.Geometry geom = null;
SharpMap.Geometries.BoundingBox bx = null;
SqlDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader();
while (dr.Read())
string wkt = dr.GetString(0); //[this.GeometryColumn];
SharpMap.Geometries.Geometry g = SharpMap.Converters.WellKnownText.GeometryFromWKT.Parse(wkt);
SharpMap.Geometries.BoundingBox bb = g.GetBoundingBox();
if (bx == null)
bx = bb;
bx = bx.Join(bb);
return bx;


/// Gets the connection ID of the datasource

public string ConnectionID
get { return _ConnectionString; }


#region IProvider Members


/// Returns all features with the view box

/// view box /// FeatureDataSet to fill data into public void ExecuteIntersectionQuery(SharpMap.Geometries.BoundingBox bbox, SharpMap.Data.FeatureDataSet ds)
List features = new List();
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(_ConnectionString))
//Get bounding box string
string strBbox = GetBoxFilterStr(bbox);

string strSQL = “SELECT g.*, g.” + this.GeometryColumn + “.Get_WKB() AS sharpmap_tempgeometry “;
strSQL += “FROM ” + this.Table + ” g WHERE “;

if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_defintionQuery))
strSQL += this.DefinitionQuery + ” AND “;

strSQL += strBbox;

using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(strSQL, conn))
System.Data.DataSet ds2 = new System.Data.DataSet();
if (ds2.Tables.Count > 0)
FeatureDataTable fdt = new FeatureDataTable(ds2.Tables[0]);
foreach (System.Data.DataColumn col in ds2.Tables[0].Columns)
if (col.ColumnName != this.GeometryColumn && col.ColumnName != “sharpmap_tempgeometry”)
foreach (System.Data.DataRow dr in ds2.Tables[0].Rows)
SharpMap.Data.FeatureDataRow fdr = fdt.NewRow();
foreach(System.Data.DataColumn col in ds2.Tables[0].Columns)
if (col.ColumnName != this.GeometryColumn && col.ColumnName != “sharpmap_tempgeometry”)
fdr[col.ColumnName] = dr[col];
fdr.Geometry = SharpMap.Converters.WellKnownBinary.GeometryFromWKB.Parse((byte[])dr[“sharpmap_tempgeometry”]);

9 thoughts on “SQL Server 2008 SharpMap Data Provider Code

  1. Hi Bill, It has taken a whilebut I have added this provider to SharpMap source tree (renamed to SqlServer2008)
    Many thanks jd

  2. hiii….um using SharpMap 0.9 and i downloaded this PostGIS.cs from codeplex but i also encounter following error
    Error1’SharpMap.Map’ does not contain a definition for ‘numberFormat_EnUS’ any help…?

  3. Johannes,

    Thanks for stopping by. I’m glad you’re trying to use the code.

    I think I was working with a later build of SharpMap and there is a difference in the interface between versions. I looked at the source code for the “current release” and the IProvider interface defines the return type of those methods as a System.Collections.Generic.List.

    If you browse the source code of the latest change set, you’ll see that the interface has been updated to use a return type of System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection.

    I would recommend downloading the latest source from CodePlex since there may be other differences as well.

  4. Hi Bill, this is a great idea and I would love to implement it but I’m having trouble with the compilation. I’m using SharpMap 0.9 and get the errors mentioned below. Do I miss some depencies?
    Error 1 ‘SharpMap.Data.Providers.Katmai’ does not implement interface member ‘SharpMap.Data.Providers.IProvider.GetGeometriesInView(SharpMap.Geometries.BoundingBox)’. ‘SharpMap.Data.Providers.Katmai.GetGeometriesInView(SharpMap.Geometries.BoundingBox)’ cannot implement ‘SharpMap.Data.Providers.IProvider.GetGeometriesInView(SharpMap.Geometries.BoundingBox)’ because it does not have the matching return type of ‘System.Collections.Generic.List’. C:UsersjkebeckDocumentsVisual Studio 2008WebSitesSampleDemosApp_CodeKatmai.cs 47 18 C:…SampleDemos

    Error 2 ‘SharpMap.Data.Providers.Katmai’ does not implement interface member ‘SharpMap.Data.Providers.IProvider.GetObjectIDsInView(SharpMap.Geometries.BoundingBox)’. ‘SharpMap.Data.Providers.Katmai.GetObjectIDsInView(SharpMap.Geometries.BoundingBox)’ cannot implement ‘SharpMap.Data.Providers.IProvider.GetObjectIDsInView(SharpMap.Geometries.BoundingBox)’ because it does not have the matching return type of ‘System.Collections.Generic.List’. C:UsersjkebeckDocumentsVisual Studio 2008WebSitesSampleDemosApp_CodeKatmai.cs 47 18 C:…SampleDemos

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