zigGIS 2.0 To Be Released on May 21st

Today was the original target for releasing zigGIS 2.0. There is a flurry of activity at Obtuse to get the web site and the online store ready. May 21st is the definite release date as all of the loose ends are tying up nicely.

A lot of work has been put into improving performance, especially with large PostGIS data sets. Additionally, editing is now supported. The new version has a couple of workflow tools to support check-in and check-out of features from PostGIS but all editing is done with the native ArcMap tools. zigGIS has been designed to allow full editing capability with an ArcView license so anyone with a valid license for Desktop will be able to edit their PostGIS data.

The original plans were to support all 9.x versions of ArcGIS Desktop but the devil has been in the details on that. The initial release will support 9.2 with earlier versions to come shortly thereafter. Testing against the 9.3 RC will occur shortly.

It seems like forever since I first came across this bizarrely-named project but it’s been exciting to play a part in its growth.