UPDATE: This post has been edited to provide the new, user-friendly URL.
I’ve missed Planet Geospatial. I’ve missed it so much that I messaged James the other day and said we should get it going again. He wholeheartedly agreed and then started going on about perfectly valid stuff like not wanting to wrestle with 15-year-old Python 2.x code and such. So I built something in Node.
Blogs (and I’ll lump Substack into that category) are where the good stuff happens, but they are so scattered in 2025. The simple act of aggregating a bunch of blogs into a single feed that I could point an RSS reader to was incredibly informative during my early/mid career. James doesn’t get enough credit for the multi-year labor of love that was Planet Geospatial.
I, like a lot of people, used Twitter as a crutch for a while but that’s now a dumpster fire and one needs to track four social media apps to piece the community back together. While it lacks discussion, RSS lets me subscribe to good writing without the “ick” of social media.
So, “Neptune” is born. The name is a nod to what Planet and Venus did/do, while the “N” planet hints at the Node underpinnings. Feel free to check it out. It’s about 50% me and about 50% Cursor. It’s not all the way baked, but good enough to release.

We are using Neptune to aggregate GeoFeeds, a single, unified feed-of-feeds from geo-related/adjacent blogs, acting as a one-stop shop of content.
It is hosted at: https://geofeeds.me/feed
It is deployed as a serverless app on Digital Ocean. If you replace “/feed” with “/view” you’ll get a simple (and rough) HTML view of the feed. This will improve. If you replace “/feed” with “/list” you’ll get a list of the feeds being aggregated.
In addition, updates to the feed are being posted (thanks to n8n) to BlueSky at @geofeeds.bsky.social so you can follow it there can get the entries as they appeared. (We may support Mastodon as well. We won’t support Twitter.)
The app updates on an interval, so new entries will not appear in real time. That feels so retro to say, but we’re going to keep it that way.
If you write a blog or a Substack and would like your feed added to GeoFeeds, you can comment on this post, ping James or me over on BlueSky, or see my about page to email me.
We hope you find GeoFeeds useful.
Header image credit: Kritzolina, CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0, via Wikimedia Commons