Esri Fed Conference

I’ll be attending the Esri Federal User GIS Conference this week. For various reasons, I’ll be attending on the “Increased Carbon Footprint Plan” and commuting to and from the conference each day.

I’m looking forward to the reprise of the DevGeo session this year as well as a number of the sessions and also meeting up with a lot of my geo-geek friends. I haven’t heard the details on #geoglobaldomination yet but I’m sure it will occur.

I’ll try to blog more during the course of the conference.

4 thoughts on “Esri Fed Conference

  1. “Increased Carbon Footprint Plan” – welcome to the club. We can’t be expected to spend extra money on eg accomodations when gas and time are so much cheaper. But we can expect some political leadership to get the ground rules changed…….oh wait…did I just say political leadership?

    1. Your point is well-taken but my reasons for commuting are primarily personal. Other years, I have stayed in the city to cut down on the driving but that’s not really feasible for me this year due to other commitments.

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