Station Identification 2024

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2024!

It’s been a few years since I’ve done one of these, but I’ve been posting more actively in recent months, which has attracted attention from sales and marketing types. Blogging in 2024 is different than it was in 2006, for sure.

This is the geoMusings blog. It represents by personal thoughts, observations, and work related to geospatial tools, technologies, and practices. It documents my personal career journey in the geospatial community from 2006 to the present.

This site is not a content marketing site. I do not entertain requests by outside authors to do guest posts. I also do not entertain requests to do paid content. Any such requests will not be acknowledged by me in any way.

Any tools or technologies discussed on this site are ones that I have personally used in some capacity and any posts related to them are my own and have not been produced in coordination with the producers of those tools or technologies. I will continue with this practice as long as I choose to maintain this site.

Thank you for your continued interest in geoMusings and I hope you have a prosperous 2024.

Header image: RTFMASAP, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons