Nearest Book

This meme is percolating across the internets and it’s kinda fun.

By definition then, the terrorists and their followers become excluded from civil society of the mainstream, while the sympathetic public remains included.

The Geographical Dimensions of Terrorism, edited by Susan L. Cutter, Douglas B. Richardson and Thomas J. Wilbanks.

The instructions: Grab the nearest book. Open it to page 56. Find the fifth sentence. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions. Don’t dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST.

If I hadn’t cleaned my desk on Friday, it would’ve most likely been something about Test-Driven Development but I did so this one was closest today which is interesting since it’s been ages since I read it. This particular excerpt comes from a passage describing the two primary audiences of terrorists and the social/physical separation of those audiences. It is taken from the section titled “Geographies of Inclusion/Exclusion” by Colin Flint.